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Clever Champaign – Urbana homeowners are always looking for ways to upgrade their home in order to improve their quality of life and increase its value. Installing an outdoor kitchen is one such option, giving homeowners the opportunity to cook, eat, and entertain guests outside.

However, the question remains: does installing an outdoor kitchen actually increase the value of the home? If so, what are the best appliances and pieces of equipment to install? With the right research and planning, an outdoor kitchen can be a great way to increase your home’s value while also providing a great space to enjoy the outdoors.

What Is an Outdoor Kitchen?

An outdoor kitchen is a great way to enjoy the outdoors while still being able to cook and prepare food. It is usually more flexible and modular than an indoor kitchen, allowing for a variety of appliances and devices to be included in the setup. For example, an outdoor kitchen could include hookups for natural gas, electricity, and running water, as well as a refrigerator, stove, oven, countertops, sink, and faucet. On the other hand, some outdoor kitchens are much simpler and may only include a brick pizza oven and some bench seating.

Your outdoor kitchen can take whatever form you want, but you should consider the following:

  • Refrigerator. A refrigerator allows you to store cold ingredients and keep cold foods cold before serving them. Even if you only have a small one, this can be a massive benefit.
  • Pizza oven. An outdoor pizza oven is a specialty piece of equipment, but you don’t have to use it exclusively for cooking pizzas. That said, if you’ve never had a homemade pizza straight from an outdoor pizza oven, you’re missing out.
  • Stovetop. Traditional and flattop stoves make it easy to cook a variety of foods. You’ll just need an electrical or natural gas hookup.
  • Sink and faucet. If you can get running water, a sink and faucet can provide you with all the water you need for cooking and cleanup.
  • Counter space. Whether you’re more interested in preparing foods or serving them, you’ll need plenty of counter space to make it happen.
  • Storage. You’ll also need some space where you can store your pots, pans, utensils, and other kitchen needs. Cabinets and drawers can be highly convenient here.
  • Lighting. If you plan on hosting parties or cooking at night, you’ll also want to invest in the lighting above and around the area.
  • Seating. Don’t forget seats! One of the best perks of having an outdoor kitchen is getting to eat outside.

Can an Outdoor Kitchen Increase Your Home Value?

So now for the central question: Can an outdoor kitchen increase the value of your home? The answer is a resounding yes. On average, an outdoor kitchen can return around 71 percent of what you spend in terms of home value. This means that if you invest $10,000 in your outdoor kitchen, your home value will increase by an average of $7,100.

While the exact amount of increase will depend on the type of outdoor kitchen and the area in which you live, this is still a great return on investment for a home improvement project. Additionally, if you intend to enjoy your outdoor kitchen for many years, the outdoor kitchen can eventually pay for itself.

Tips for Success

If you want to maximize the benefits and financial rewards of an outdoor kitchen, follow these tips:

  • Plan for the long term. Installing an outdoor kitchen is not a way to make a quick buck. It is important to think about the long-term benefits of having an outdoor kitchen, both in terms of practicality and its potential to increase the value of your home. Additionally, it is wise to leave some room for expansion in case you want to add more features to the outdoor kitchen in the future.
  • Shop around. Shop around so you can find the best deals for what you need.
  • Hire pros for utilities. Utility hookups can be both complicated and dangerous, so make sure you hire professional, experienced contractors for the job.
  • Strive for neutral choices. Many real estate experts advise homeowners to paint their walls neutral colors. You should strive for neutral outdoor kitchen choices for the same reason; try to build a kitchen that anyone could enjoy.
  • Get value from your outdoor kitchen. Part of the value of an outdoor kitchen is personal enjoyment, so get plenty of personal use out of it.
  • Time your sale appropriately. Try to enjoy your kitchen for at least a few years before you finally sell your home.

Installing an outdoor kitchen can be a great way to increase the value of your Champaign County home when it comes time to sell. However, it is important to do your research and make sure you are choosing the right combination of appliances and a neutral design that will be aesthetically pleasing. While it may not double the value of your home, it can significantly increase the sale price. Therefore, if you plan on adding an outdoor kitchen, make sure you do all your due diligence in advance.

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