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How secure is your Champaign County home? In addition to increasing the value of your Champaign County home, home security also offers practical benefits. In the United States, a burglary occurs every 30 seconds. You might expect these to occur primarily in the inner city, but they are more common in the suburbs.

Burglars are attracted to family homes precisely because people perceive them as unassailably safe. However, no home is completely secure.

Nonetheless, you should keep in mind that you are not seeking perfect security. You only need to ensure that your home is secure enough to deter a thief. What do you do to accomplish that? This task can be made easier with these 5 home security essentials.

  1. An Alarm System

Most people will be told they need an alarm system and register it as a recommendation. It isn’t. As a matter of fact, it is a requirement. A responsive alarm system is the key to securing your home. The ideal alarm system would use motion sensors to track entrance openings.

The front and back doors will be their primary concern. The system should also call the police or sound an audible alarm. In most cases, you can choose which one it does, but for best results, you should choose both. Criminals will not be scared away if it’s not audible.

  1. Additional Motion Sensors

These are viewed separately from the alarm systems they support. Why is that? It is because most alarm systems only provide one for the front door and one for the back door. Your own motion sensors will be needed to protect all the other entrances.

This means covering your windows as well as the areas outside your home. Cover the garage as well. Garages are often forgotten. People tend to believe that garages are hard to break into, which is why many security systems make the same assumption.

It’s not, and burglars know it. So, be sure to keep it covered.

  1. Smart Locks

When a burglar wants to get into a home, they usually don’t show up with a sophisticated plan. What they usually do is walk up to a door in a random neighborhood and try to open it. If it is locked, they move on. But if it is not locked, then they go in and rob it.

This means that the most effective way to deny a burglar entry into your home is to just lock the door, right? It is at least a good first step. But what if you forget to lock your door?

The smart lock does two things: First, it locks automatically after a set amount of time when you are away. In addition, they can detect intrusion attempts. They can detect if the lock breaks or is picked.

There are even fancier smart locks that can go a step further. In general, locks are mechanical devices. By preventing the knob from being turned, they prevent doors from being opened.

But with an electronic lock you can use “magnetic current” locks. Magnetism will hold the door closed rather than a mechanism. They will use electrically charged metal to charge the metal. Forcing this open is nearly impossible.

It is true that deadbolt locks solve the same problem. However, deadbolt locks cannot integrate smart locks. This is how you can have a smart lock and a deadbolt seal at the same time.

  1. An App to Connect it All

You probably have a lot of questions. How do you turn off an alarm? How do you unlock a smart lock if you left your keys inside? How do you connect motion sensors to an alarm?

All of these can have different answers. But if you want your home security system to be well-integrated and easy to control, then it is much easier on you if they have the same answer: An app. An app on your phone can easily control all of these devices.

But not only that, it can also deliver you alerts as to how they are functioning. It can tell you when an alarm is tripped, when a lock is unlocked, or when a window is broken. You can even respond to these. If you are the one tripping the alarm, you can disable it from the app.

  1. Security Cameras

A brief disclaimer: Security cameras do not work how you probably think they work. They are not there to simply record every movement that takes place in front of them. When you get a security camera, it should be connected to an app and the motion sensors.

That way it can turn on when it needs to and broadcast a live feed of who is near or inside your home straight to your phone. This can allow you to verify who is tripping your alarm and how.

Setting up your Champaign home to be secure offers you two advantages. The first one is obvious in that it makes your home far safer against the people that would break into it and steal things. The right security measures can also make it so those people get caught.

In addition to that, however, home security systems are also known to increase the value of homes substantially. Especially smart security systems, as they can serve as the core of a smart home setup in general. This can make your home far more valuable to sell.

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