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Having a clean home is essential to selling your home in Champaign County. The cleaner your home is, the better chance you have of selling it faster and for more money. But it can be hard to stay on top cleaning your home. The little things add up over time. Stained porcelain, carpets, and stinky appliances all hurt your home’s market value in the end.

The trick is to keep is simple. Get your house put back together with these house-cleaning hacks. No trip to the hardware store needed. You’ve already got what you need with these quick-and-easy house-cleaning tips.

Kitty Litter for Oil Spills

This old trick is a sure way to soak up oil in the garage. Buy the cheapest clay kitty litter you can find (the fancy stuff won’t do any better for this trick).

Pour a thick layer on the stain, then walk on it to crush it into the oil. Let it sit for 30 minutes, and then sweep it up. Now your garage floor will be ready to show potential buyers.

Nail Polish to Stop Rust Rings

Those notorious rust rings will really detract from the beauty of your porcelain sink. So, if your metal cans of shaving cream leave orange rings on your sinks or bathtubs, paint the bottoms with clear nail polish. Now when you put down the can, there’s a layer of protection between it and the surface.

Vinegar for Hard Water Spots

Hard water spots can be, well, hard to get rid of, even with regular cleaning. White vinegar to the rescue! Douse a rag, then wipe the stains away. If the stains persist, let the rag sit directly on them for several minutes, then buff the area with a clean, dry towel.

Alcohol to Remove Nail Polish from Carpet

Spilling nail polish on the carpet has sent many a homeowner into a panic. Don’t seat it. Some rubbing alcohol and a microfiber cloth will do the trick.

Rubber Gloves for Pet Hair

If you’re tired of finding pet hair on carpet and upholstery, here’s a fast, green fix. Run a rubber glove over the material. The glove creates static, so the hair clings, instantly transferring from the fibers to the latex. Wash off the glove and use again it every time things get hairy.

Toothpaste to Fill Small Holes in Walls

Need a super quick way to repair small holes (less than 1/4 inch) in the wall? Fill them with toothpaste. Smooth it on with a putty knife (a wooden ruler or playing card works, too), and rinse it with a damp cloth to remove the excess. Then paint over the toothpaste — or, if you’re lucky, your toothpaste might actually blend with your wall color.

Lemon for Stained, Stinky Microwaves

Lemons. We love them in lemonade and Sidecars. But they also cut stinky, burned-on food in microwaves.

Here’s the trick: Pour half a cup of water into a bowl. Slice a lemon in half and squeeze the juice into the water. Then drop the lemon into the bowl. Microwave for three minutes, let stand for five. Remove the bowl and wipe down the microwave. So easy!

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